Saturday, September 18, 2010


Baik siswa, pembaca, seniman atau siapa pun pasti pernah meresensi sebuah buku, novel, film, drama, atau lain-lainnya atau setidaknya pernah mendengarnya....
Dikelas, siswa dihadapkan dengan menulis resensi buku sastra; entah novel, kumpulan cerpen, puisi, drama, dan esai sastra. Kemudian beberapa instansi pemerintahan pernah juga mengadakan lomba meresensi buku. Terus seniman juga pasti pernah meresensi sebuah film, sinetron, drama, musik, tari dan kaset. Itu semua dilakukan ada bermaksud untuk melatih pembaca untuk kritis terhadap isi buku yang dibaca, untuk menginformasikan sebuah buku, dan lain-lainnya.

Perlu diketahui bahwa selain resensi buku ada pula istilah lain yang sama maksudnya dengan resensi, seperti timbangan buku, tinjauan buku, pembicaraan buku, dan bedah buku.
Resensi berasal dari bahasa latin 'recensere' artinya melihat kembali, menimbang, atau menilai. Punya maksud atau makna sejajar dengan review dalam bahasa Inggris (Slamet Soewandi, 1977). Sedangkan menurut buku "Kamus Istilah Sastra" yang ditulis oleh Panuti Sudjiman (1984) dijelaskan bahwa resensi berarti hasil pembahasan dan penilaian
yang pendek tentang suatu karya tulis. Jadi, arti resensi mengacu kepada mengulas sebuah buku. Konteks ini memberi arti penilaian, mengungkap secara sekilas, membahas, atau mengkritik buku.

Dijelaskan lagi oleh Slamet Soewandi dalam buku "Dasar-Dasar Meresensi Buku" bahwa tujuan meresensi -selain identitas buku- adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Memberikan pemahaman tentang apa yang tampak dan terungkap pada buku.
2. Mengajak pembaca untuk memikirkan fenomena dalam buku.
3. Memberi pertimbangan kepada pembaca apakah sebuah buku pantas atau tidak mendapat sambutan dari masyarakat.
4. Setelah membaca resensi, calon pembaca berminat mencocokkan dengan bukunya.
5. Bisa dijadikan sumber informasi bagi orang yang tidak banyak punya waktu untuk membaca bukunya.

Ada tiga pola tulisan resensi buku, yaitu meringkas, menjabarkan, dan mengulas. Meringkas (membuat sinopsis) mempunyai arti menyajikan semua persoalan buku secara padat dan jelas. Bila sebuah buku menyajikan banyak banyak persoalan dan alternatif pemecahannya, untuk itu perlu dipilih sejumlah masalah yang dianggap penting dan ditulis dalam suatu uraian yang benar. Menjabarkan mengandung arti mendiskripsikan hal-hal menonjol dalam buku. Konteks ini menyakinkan kita tentang materi resensi bisa dikaitakn situasi yang sesuai di masyarakat. Lewat membaca buku, masyarakat (pembaca) diharapkan bisa mengatasi persoalan yang dihadapi. Terakhir, mengulas buku berarti peresensi memberi penafsiran atau memasukkan pendapatnya dalam tulisan itu. Peresensi memberi masukan kepada penulis baik mengenai kelebihan atau kelemahan buku tersebut. Juga peresensi memberi masukan kepada penerbit, dan mengoreksi kepada pencetak tentang kualitas buku yang diedarkan ke pasaran. Urutan pola tersebut dapat dipertukarkan yang artinya peresensi bisa langsung mengulas, menjabarkan, dan meringkas.Yang utama adalah peresensi bisa mempertimbangkan intinya agar pembaca enak memahaminya, tentu dengan bahasa komunikatif, dan satu hal penting lainnya tentulah isi buku tersebut harus dipahami terlebih dahulu.
Meresensi bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja asalkan terus mencoba dan tidak mengenal putus asa.

Monday, August 23, 2010

All About Viruses

A virus is defined as any of a various number of submicroscopic parasites that can infect any animal, plant or bacteria and often lead to very serious or even deadly diseases. A virus consists of a core of RNA or DNA, generally surrounded by a protein, lipid or glycoprotein coat, or some combination of the three. No virus can replicate without the help of a host cell, and though they can be spread, viruses lack the ability of self-reproduction and are not always considered to be living organisms in the regular sense.

Some of the most common or best known viruses include the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is the virus that causes AIDS, the herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores, smallpox, multiple sclerosis, and the human papilloma virus, now believed to be a leading cause of cervical cancer in adult women. The common human cold is also caused by a virus.

Since a great deal of mystery still surrounds the origins of most modern viruses, ways to cure these viruses and the diseases they cause are still in the very early stages of development.

Find out more about viruses today. Begin by browsing the information below including the latest on common types of human viruses, deadly human viruses, new human viruses, news of virus vaccinations, as well as number of other facts and details about viruses and the human body.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Taxonomic Rank

1. Kingdom
In biology, Kingdom (Latin : regnum ; pl : regna ) is a taxonomic rank which is either the highest rank or in the more recent three-domain system. the rank below domain.
2. Phylum ( For Animal )
In biology, a phylum ( plural : phyla ) is a taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class. "Phylum" is equivalent to the botanical term division. Phylum is one of the major biological divisions called taxa.
3. Classis
In biology, a classis is a taxonomic rank below phylum and above ordo.
4. Ordo
Ordo, in Indonesia is called "Bangsa". ( Latin : Ordo ; plural : ordines ). Ordo is a taxonomic rank between classis and familia.
5. Familia
In science classification, familia is a taxonomic rank between ordo and genus. Familia in Indonesia mean suku, famili or keluarga. the term is first introduced by Pierre Magnol, in his book "Prodromus Historiae GeneralisPlantarum, in Quo Familiae" on 1689. Carolus Linnaeus used familia term in his book "Philosophia Botanica" on 1751 to indicate the most excellent plant group.
6. Genus
In biology, Genus ( Plural : Genera ) is a taxonomic rank between Familia and species. Genus in Indonesia mean Marga. The members of Genus have a similarity in morphology and close relatives.
7. Species
In biology, species is a taxonomic rank which is either the lowest rank. Species is used to indicate a group or some groups which have a similarity and can be fertilize aech other, but it just in the same group.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

All About Molecule

What is a Molecule?

Molecules are small particles that make up all living and non-living things. They are made up of even tinier particles called atoms. Molecules in living things are made from only about 25 of more than 100 known atoms in the universe. Molecules are made from as few as two atoms to hundreds of millions of atoms.

Molecules are so small that there are more molecules in your body than there are stars in the universe!

What's so special about molecules in your body and in other living things? Each molecule has a unique shape that allows it to interact with other molecules. The interactions between molecules let us as well as bacteria, elephants, broccoli and other living things move, sense, reproduce and do the things that keep all living creatures alive.

Show Me The Molecules!
Here are just a few samples of molecules :

Sold as TylenolTM, this has a similar shape to another pain-killer, aspirin. They both act in a similar way to reduce pain and fever. It is comprised of:
8 black carbon atoms
9 white hydrogen atoms
2 red oxygen atoms
1 blue nitrogen atom

Chemists learned to make aspirin by studying a similar pain-killing molecule discovered in willow trees.
9 black carbon atoms
8 white hydrogen atoms
4 red oxygen atoms

Sold as Nutrasweet,TM aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in sodas. It tastes a hundred times sweeter than sucrose and contains no calories.
14 black carbon atoms
18 white hydrogen atoms
5 red oxygen atoms
2 blue nitrogen atoms

Carbon Dioxide
Less than 1% of the air is carbon dioxide, but it is essential for life. Plants use carbon dioxide to build energy-rich molecules.
1 black carbon atom
2 red oxygen atoms

Nicotine is in cigarette tobacco. It interacts with receptors in our brain and activates nerve cells. It is addictive and a poison.
10 black carbon atoms
14 white hydrogen atoms
2 blue nitrogen atoms

Serotonin is one of many molecules our brain cells use to pass information to each other. It regulates our moods and sleep patterns.
10 black carbon atoms
12 white hydrogen atoms
1 red oxygen atom
2 blue nitrogen atoms

Spiders and silkmoths make silk for their webs and cocoons. Silk threads are stored in a silk gland, and dry and harden as they are spun.
10 black carbon atoms
18 white hydrogen atoms
5 red oxygen atoms
4 blue nitrogen atoms

Trimethylamine makes some things stink. Rotten fish, and sometimes dogs, smell bad because of this molecule.
3 black carbon atoms
9 white hydrogen atoms
1 blue nitrogen atom