Sunday, December 27, 2015


Oksim, setiap kelas senyawa organik yang mengandung nitrogen biasanya dibuat dari hidroklorida dan aldehida, keton, atau kuinon a. Oxime memiliki struktur X \ Y / C = N-OH, dimana X dan Y adalah atom hidrogen atau gugus organik yang diperoleh penghapusan atom hidrogen dari senyawa organik. Karena kebanyakan Oksim adalah padatan dengan titik leleh karakteristik, mereka berguna dalam mengidentifikasi aldehid cair dan keton.

Oksim juga dapat dibuat dengan reagen hidrogen-donor pada senyawa nitro tertentu atau dengan isomerisasi senyawa nitroso. Oksim yang diperoleh dari aldehida (aldoksim) dapat mengalami dehidrasi untuk membentuk nitril. Reaksi kimia yang berguna lainnya dari Oxime termasuk konversi ke amina (oleh pengobatan dengan hidrogen atau bahan pereduksi lainnya) dan untuk amida (oleh aksi asam kuat atau fosfor pentaklorida). Sebuah aplikasi skala besar konversi menjadi amida ini adalah untuk transformasi sikloheksanon oksim menjadi kaprolaktam, yang merupakan bahan awal untuk nilon 6.
(translated from:

Berikut ini mekanisme reaksi pembentukan oksim dari aldehid:

Reaksi aldehid dan keton dengan hidroksilamin menghasilkan Oksim. Nukleofilisitas dari nitrogen pada hidroksilamin meningkat dengan kehadiran oksigen. Transfer proton beruntun memungkinkan terjadinya eliminasi air. Oksim umumnya membentuk campuran isomer geometrik.

Friday, December 4, 2015


Hi everyone! Long time no see :")
I can't believe this fifth semester is almost over! And i never post anything during this. Well, tonight i'm pretending to forget all of my "h-o-m-e-w-o-r-k" and sitting in front of my notebook to write something on this blog. In this occasion i'll talk about "Birthday Gifts", ummm... the-memorable-one. That's exactly what i mean.
Of course this is subjective, depending on your taste and lifestyle. I'm quite sure that people who lives in elite social life prefer wearing a fancy dress to t-shirt, eating pizza to cheapie donuts, and so on, something like that. But i remind ya once again, it depends on whom-you-are, how's ur tastes, and what's your priority whether your priority is your friends or just an expensive thingy.
Birthday gift is not only in the form of goods. From my point of view, one of the memorable birthday gift which hard to forget is birthday surprise, even birthday surprise is more valuable than the expensive stuff tho.
Cake or tart is an inseparable part of a birthday surprise. People usually put candles on it and sing a birthday song before the king or queen of that day make a wish and blow that candles. For me, a college student who-doesn't-have-a-salary-yet, price is an important thing we should consider when we'll buy a cake. A low-price cutie cake is my favorite hahaha. These are some cutie cakes from the lower-price till expensive medium. 

Lately, i thought that cake is a very common gift, then i found some alternatives which has lower price and looks more creative than those cakes. For you, who live in Semarang, Central Java, you can find it easily. 
This is sweet martabak, ummm or whatever u called it, you can find it at the roadside. Just say "Sir, made me a martabak with 2-0 number on it, please."

 I bought those jellies at @rumahkenyal please kindly check it on instagram :)

If you're my campus-mates hahaha i'm pretty sure you know where i bought those donuts!

But lemme tell you that the most important thing is you, yes you! those gifts, those cakes, are not special without you here :( togetherness is more than valuable, it's uncountable! Believe me, if you spend your time for them, they will never forget what you have done for them.

Good night people :) pardon my bad english, i'm still learning...